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Great Jagras
The leader of a pack of Jagras. Renowned for their voracious appetite, they will mercilessly assault even monsters higher up in the food chain. The sight of it devouring its prey whole is one to behold.
A bird wyvern adept at grasping objects with its well-developed forelegs. There have been sightings of it plundering eggs from other monsters, but it will often drop them in surprise if attacked. When engaged in battle, it has a propensity to unearth sturdy rocks which it then uses as a weapon or shield.
A bird wyvern whose body contains a poisonous fluid. It ensnares its prey by brandishing its whip-like tongue, which can be expanded and contracted at will. By mixing the berries and plants it consumes with the venom in its body, it can release a devastating poison breath attack.
Perhaps in order to shield itself from hot temperatures, this monster is most often seen lurking beneath pools of mud. It has also been known to use the mud it cloaks itself in as a means of attacking, so exercise caution. Somewhat fastidious about its swamp, should the marsh be disturbed in any way, it will rush with reckless abandon towards the perpetrator.
Great Girros
This carnivorous monster prowls its territory, seeking out prey. It takes down its target using the paralytic toxins secreted from its large fangs.
A fanged wyvern that darts around the thickets of its forested nest. It generates static electricity by brushing its fur across the ground and nearby trees. When a sufficient amount of friction has been built up, it enters into an “electrified” state where its body hairs begin to emit light and stand on end. Be especially wary of its head and tail when it takes on this appearance.
A piscine wyvern that makes its habitat in muddy swamps. It has a tendency to use mud as a means by which to both camouflage itself and hunt with. It is believed that they coat themselves with mud in order to restore moisture to their scales, which grow brittle and inhibit cutaneous respiration when dehydrated. Exercise caution should you come across the mud which Jyuratodus spits out, as its high viscosity can easily restrict body movement.
A flying wyvern capable of storing large quantities of air within its body. By powerfully exhaling this air, it can travel afloat across the skies, delivering crushing blows with its hardy tail.
Infamous for its belligerence, this brute wyvern indiscriminately attacks all without hesitation. The large membrane extending from its waist to the base of its tail fans out when it becomes agitated. This fan-like membrane is thought to be used not only for intimidation, but also as a mode of body temperature control. This is attributed to the fact that when Anjanath expels flames from its mouth, the membrane has been spotted expanding in tandem, releasing excess heat.
Known by the alternative name of “Queen of the Land.” With its outstanding leg strength, it hurtles across the land, subduing prey with its venom-laden tail. It has occasionally been spotted hunting together with its male counterpart, Rathalos.
This monster has been witnessed in swamp regions, tracking down the herds of Raphinos it preys upon. It hunts by emitting freezing-cold air, which allows it to slow down its target.
A fearsome flying wyvern who has earned the moniker “King of the Skies.” Together with its female counterpart, it forms its territory around their nest, keeping close watch from above. With its powerful wings, it swiftly descends to intercept any trespassers, assailing them with its mighty, poisonous claws. In addition, it is well known for its ability to breathe fire.
A desert-dwelling monster feared for its ferocity. Two distinctive, twisted horns protrude from its skull. Fiercely territorial, it uses its remarkable hearing to sense overhead intruders while burrowed underground, attacking them without discrimination. In spite of this, it is a strict herbivore, primarily feeding on desert cacti.
A brute wyvern that feeds on the bones of corpses, adorning them all over its body.
They have been sighted curling their bodies up into a ball and rolling around in order to attack foes.
A monster recognizable by the pair of gigantic horns atop its head.
It rushes forward while scraping the ground with its horns, with nearby trees sometimes even getting caught up in its headlong attacks.
A white-colored flying wyvern noted for the massive fangs protruding from its mouth.
It skillfully uses the spike-like scales adorning its forelegs and tail to freely run across slippery ice.
A monster belonging to the fanged wyvern species.
It is characterized by its yellow-colored carapace, as well as the pale fur around its abdomen and neck through which electricity courses as it battles.
This electrical energy is gathered from nearby Thunderbugs, which Zinogre may then discharge at will.
A monster that spreads its luminous pulsing organs when it spots prey or natural enemies, blinding them with a flash of light in order to create an opening. They make use of their astonishing leg power in order to finish off helpless prey.
A fanged wyvern that roams about in search of carcasses.
They have a habit of dragging their captured prey and hunks of meat back to their nest.
A monster whose rapid metabolism makes it so that it is incessantly scouring for its next meal.
Infamous for its viciousness, it will attempt to sink its teeth into anything that moves.
Kushala Daora
While this monster is surrounded by wind, long-range attacks will have little effect, and it will be difficult to approach. If its head is broken, it will no longer be able to project this wind. Alternatively, its wind veil may be temporarily dissipated by breaking other body parts or by inflicting poison status.
It will begin to unleash powerful whirlwinds when it reaches half health, while also becoming more aggressive in its assault. However, part breaking and poison infliction are still effective in this state.
A monster characterized by its hard, ore-like outer shell. It has a tendency to hide underground and mimic rock formations.
Its sturdy outer carapace grants it the ability to perform devastating thrusts and blows. On occasion, it may also emit a noxious gas.
This monster’s sight has degenerated over time, but it compensates for this with its well-honed sense of smell.
Its tail has evolved to resemble some kind of suction cup.
It paralyzes prey using the electricity-generating organ in its body, before moving in to strike with its extendable neck.
A monster that has evolved in a unique manner. While classified as a water-based Leviathan, there have been numerous sightings of it residing on land, utilizing its limber and agile body.
It mixes a peculiar fluid with its fur to produce bubbles that ensnare its prey. Surrounded by these trails of bubbles as it leaps about with finesse, the sight of it hunting is said to resemble a dance.
A ferocious species of elder dragon, which cloaks itself in fire and exhales blazing flames.
It boasts a fierce temperament, leaving any who approach head-on exposed to its all-consuming fire and explosions.
A monster covered in an armor-like carapace.
Feeding on the bones of corpses, it accumulates gas in its body that, when emitted, resembles ghostly flames parading around it.
If struck by an attack while it is covered in this gas, you will be inflicted with hellfireblight, causing you to explode after a certain period of time.
A monster that, in the rare times it has been sighted, has been noted for its extreme aggressiveness. Those who have witnessed it and lived to tell the tale are few in number.
It is thought to lead a solitary life, rarely engaging or competing with other monsters.
Its habitat is unknown.
When enraged, part of its fur may turn a golden color.
Often seen standing on only one leg, it is said to resemble a parasol.
When confronted by any who would dare enter its territory, it spreads its wings and intimidates the trespasser with the eye-like patterns on its crest.
Within its body it stores a flammable liquid that, once ignited, is difficult to extinguish and remains for some time.
This monster is known for its primitive-looking appearance.
It is highly aggressive in nature, using its well-developed limbs to lunge, before striking with terrifying force using its powerful claws and jaws.
It travels over wide swathes of land in search of prey, and is said to appear even in cold regions. Its roar is powerful enough to cause physical damage to those who hear it.
This monster is recognizable from its pure white fur and long ears.
It has adapted to living in cold climates with its warm fur and thick layers of subcutaneous fat.
Although primarily herbivores, Lagombi are known to occasionally eat meat. In such instances, they will use their excellent hearing to locate prey, gliding silently along the snow to catch their target unawares.
This monster’s body is covered in a thick red magma-resistant shell, which it uses to roll along the ground.
It utilizes its long tongue and paralytic saliva to ensnare its prey.
A ferocious type of Leviathan. The sight of it at night, illuminated by moonlight, is often mistaken for a mermaid.
It emits an anaesthetizing powder from its tail and the frill around its neck in order to cause prey to fall into a stupor.
Some Somnacanth sightings tell of this species making use of unusual shells, so exercise caution if you catch one swimming towards you with a shell in its claws.
Although classified as an elder dragon, it is a monster so exceedingly rare that almost nothing is known about it, lending it an almost mythical quality.
It is said to be able to manipulate electricity, coating its entire body in lightning.
A large monster that scours the lands in search of prey.
It hunts by dispersing explosive scales that engulf everything within their blast radius.
A large species of amphibians that use the adhesive quality of their saliva to affix stone to their forelimbs in order to power up their attacks.
A monster that wields a colossal blade-like tail.
With each successive attack, its tail becomes hotter and sharper.
After some time, its red-hot tail will start to cool down, eventually beginning to rust. However, Glavenus will sharpen it using its fangs, storing the waste material in its throat to use for its flame breath attack.
This monster primarily makes its habitat in the mountains and forests of humid regions.
It has been sighted standing on its hindlegs to gather food and catch fish on riverbanks.
Boasting sharp claws and a tough shell, it also features well-developed forelegs that grant it high destructive power.
It is revered for the deep blue color of its fur.